Jurisdiction & Powers


In 1968 the New Jersey Legislature passed a law that authorized municipalities to set up conservation commissions patterned after those established in several New England states. The law made the commissions advisory bodies on natural resource planning and protection and open space issues.

Subsequent amendments have expanded environmental commission responsibilities to include other environmental matters such as pollution prevention and control, solid waste management, noise control and environmental appearance, and to allow the establishment of joint commissions by two or more municipalities. To reflect these increased responsibilities, the Legislature changed the name in 1972 from conservation commission to environmental commission.

Brielle's first environmental commission was established in 1972 and was chaired by Richard Scott. Mr. Scott was the chair for 14 years and was the key motivator behind developing the natural resource inventory. Currently, the Environmental Commission is committed to maintaining Mr. Scott's very valuable contribution to Brielle. The goal of the Commission is to maintain the natural resources inventory and provide advice to the planning board regarding the use and quality of Brielle's public open space. The natural resource inventory can be seen on these web pages. Please take some time and browse through the inventory, you will find many interesting topics and you may learn something new about Brielle. The following is a list of a few more of our responsibilities as stated in the New Jersey Statutes.

Powers: Under N.J.S. 40:56A-1

  • Study and make recommendations concerning open space preservation, water resource management, air pollution control, solid waste management, noise control, soil and landscape protection, environmental appearance, marine resources, and protection of flora and fauna to conduct research into the possible uses of open land of the municipality.
  • Advertise, prepare, print and distribute books, maps, charts, plans and pamphlets supporting its mission.
  • Must keep and index of all open areas, publicly or privately owned, including marsh, swamps and other wetlands in order to obtain information on the proper use of such areas.
  • Recommend to planning board or mayor plans and programs it considers appropriate for inclusion in a municipal master plan for the development and use of such areas.